Born in the small town of Castlegar British Columbia, nestled at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, Steve Hall was an avid film enthusiast at a very young age. While in high school, he won first prize at the Vancouver Film Festival for "Best Amateur Documentary". From that moment on, his love of film and dream of becoming a film maker grew into an obsession.

Steve grew up riding dirt bikes and racing motocross but found himself behind the lens more often than the subject of the camera. He naturally progressed from filming his friends ride moto to pursuing a path in films that lit up the big screen. He moved to Vancouver and started out as a grip in a B grade horror film, eventually making his debut as an assistant camera man in an award winning independent film. Steve realized that creating somebody else's vision wasn't the satisfaction he had hoped for, so he left Vancouver and headed back into the southern interior of British Columbia to find himself and to stay true to his roots. There Steve teamed up with Tyler Hadikin and they both came together to create Stacked Films. A company that promotes dreamers to dream and shredders to shred.